Managing And Controlling Your Asthma
Asthma is defined as a chronic condition, which means that you need to continuously monitor and manage your asthma throughout your lifetime.
Living with a respiratory condition takes a toll on you – mentally and physically. When breathing becomes difficult it can be challenging to move, to think clearly or to talk, which makes it hard to tell other people how you are feeling or what they could do to help.
When asthma is unmanaged, it can put a pause on your life.
While there is currently no cure for asthma, with proper treatment and management you can effectively control your asthma, break breathlessness and press play on life.
Asthma treatment is successful if you learn all you can about your asthma including: symptoms, triggers, medications and ongoing asthma management to achieve control. Many people with asthma believe that their asthma is controlled but they might be accepting levels of control that fall short.
How To Tell If Your Asthma Is Well Controlled
In order to control your asthma it is very important that you actually understand what good asthma control means.
Proper asthma control is key to staying healthy with asthma and preventing possibly life-threatening asthma attacks. If you are having trouble staying symptom-free or have any of the signs of poor asthma control listed below, talk to your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
You can take this short quiz to help determine if your asthma is under control.
Signs of Good Asthma Control
- You don’t have any breathing difficulties, cough or wheeze most days
- You sleep through the night without awakening due to asthma symptoms like cough, wheeze, or chest tightness
- You can exercise without having any asthma symptoms
- You don’t miss any work or school due to asthma
- You have a normal lung function (spirometry) test
- You do not need to use your reliever (rescue) inhaler more than 2 times per week (except for exercise)
Signs of Poor Asthma Control
- You have frequent breathing difficulties and find yourself coughing or wheezing most days
- Your asthma impacts your sleep; if your asthma symptoms wake you up or keep you up at night your asthma isn’t controlled
- You can’t exercise or exert yourself physically without experiencing breathing difficulties
- You frequently miss work or school due to asthma
- You use your reliever medication more than 2 times per week

Break breathlessness and press play
Your asthma might be poorly controlled due to certain reasons but there are steps you can take to gain control. If your asthma is poorly controlled you can start by speaking with your healthcare provider. This is important because uncontrolled asthma is very serious and could lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.
Over time, poorly controlled asthma can cause permanent damage to your airways that cannot be reversed. This is called ‘airway remodeling’. It is important to take action and properly control your asthma to avoid this permanent damage.
Reasons why your asthma may not be controlled:
Not using the right asthma medication to treat your asthma or not using your controller medication regularly.
- What you can do: Understanding all of the different types of asthma medications available can be confusing. But taking your controller medication every day as prescribed by your health care provider is important to minimize symptoms and reduce inflammation in the airways.
- Speak with your healthcare provider about finding a treatment plan that works for you.
Not using your inhalers properly.
- What you can do: Show your healthcare provider, asthma educator or pharmacist how you use your inhalers to make sure you are using proper inhaler technique
Being exposed to a trigger that is causing breathing problems.
- What you can do: Identify what your personal asthma triggers are and avoid them. Work with your healthcare provider to help determine your triggers and an avoidance plan.
Over-reliant on your reliever (rescue) inhaler or using your reliever medication more than 2 times per week.
- What you can do: Speak to your healthcare provider about your over-reliance on controller medications. Find out if you are over-relying on your reliever medication by taking this short test:
Having an Asthma Action Plan can help you recognize when your asthma is worsening and help you know what steps to take to break breathlessness.
Asthma Basics:
When it comes to staying healthy while living with asthma and having proper asthma control there are some basics that everyone with asthma should be aware of:
- Always get a proper asthma diagnosis from a healthcare professional.
- Take your asthma medications as prescribed; most people use a daily controller medication while also carrying a reliever (rescue) medication for emergencies.
- Don’t become reliant on your reliever inhaler to manage your asthma — if you are taking your reliever medication more than 2 times per week your asthma is not properly controlled and you should speak with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
- Create an Asthma Action Plan with your doctor and use it as part of your asthma management routine. You can also use a Peak Flow Meter to monitor your asthma and lung function.
- Know what your asthma triggers are and how to avoid them as much as possible. If you have allergic triggers work with your doctor or allergist to manage your allergy symptoms.
- Know the steps to take when having an asthma attack.

Asthma Action Plan
An Asthma Action Plan is a crucial tool for helping manage your asthma and stay healthy. It helps with controlling your asthma, you can download one today and complete it with your doctor.

Asthma Red Flags
Red and Yellow Flags are signs that your asthma control isn’t what it should be and that you may need referral to an asthma specialist. Find out if you have any red or yellow flags and when to see a specialist.

Asthma Resources
If you’re recently diagnosed or are living with asthma, we have many resources that can help you better understand, and manage your disease. Visit the resources section of our website to get started.