Policy and Advocacy
Asthma Canada works to support advocacy and public policy change which help protect the health, safety and well-being of those with asthma and allergies. We advocate to federal, provincial and municipal governments on a range of health and environmental issues important for people with asthma and respiratory allergies.
Policy Priorities

Choice and Access to Medications
We believe that all Canadians living with asthma should have equitable and timely access to prescription medications based on the best possible health outcomes, rather than ability to pay.
Our Impact
Position Statements
Asthma Canada’s position statements on a variety of issues including recommended vaccinations and medication use.
Patient Evidence Submissions
To improve drug access for all Canadians living with asthma, we routinely submit input from the asthma community to Health Canada’s drug review body, CADTH.
Self Advocacy Resources
Knowledge is power in self-advocacy. Understanding the words that your healthcare professionals use will help you become more comfortable asking questions.
Asthma Canada works with like-minded organizations through provincial, national and international coalitions to increase our reach and impact on issues affecting our community.