
Leave a gift in your will

Making the decision to leave a gift in your will is a meaningful way to ensure that your legacy is one of hope for Canadians with asthma, benefitting generations to come.

Your legacy gift to Asthma Canada will allow us to continue providing essential asthma education to save lives, fund innovative research for better treatments and a cure, and help make our vision of a future without asthma a reality.


Bequests are gifts made through your will and are a common way of leaving a planned gift for the future, while still retaining full control over your assets during your lifetime. If you are planning to leave a bequest, know that you have the power to modify or update your gift at any time in the future.

When you choose to give a charitable gift to Asthma Canada in your will, you can:

  • Give a specific bequest – donating a specific dollar amount
  • Give a residual bequest – donating a percentage from the remainder of your estate after other needs have been fulfilled

Wording in your will

Once you have decided to leave a gift to Asthma Canada, you can work with your lawyer to ensure the correct legal language is used in your will. Below is a sample of possible bequest language:

I give the (sum of $ ) or ( % of the residue of my estate) to support the work of Asthma Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I leave a bequest?

When you choose to leave a bequest in your will, you’re creating a legacy that reflects your values and has a lasting impact on the lives of others. Bequests may also allow you to give a larger gift than would have been possible during your lifetime. Benefits of this type of giving include:

  • The satisfaction of giving a future gift, while having full control over your assets
  • The knowledge that your legacy will directly improve the lives of Canadians living with asthma and bring us closer to a cure
  • A charitable tax receipt to your estate
  • A reduction or elimination of estate taxes through careful planning
  • Apart from the cost of preparing your will, there is no cost to making a bequest
  • The opportunity to honour or memorialize yourself of a loved one.

You are the only one who can decide if leaving a bequest is right for you. If this type of charitable donation interests you, please know that we are here to help and that your legacy is safe in our hands.

Why is leaving a general bequest best?

A general or unrestricted gift is the best way to ensure that your generous donation is used where it is needed most. Leaving an unrestricted gift allows us to adapt to meet the needs of our community over time and accounts for possible changes in programming. You can learn more about how donations make an impact for Canadians with asthma here.

Will I need other information to leave a bequest?

To include Asthma Canada in your will, you will need our legal name, address and charitable registration number. (See Below)

Asthma Canada
401-124 Merton Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4S 2Z2

Charitable Registration Number: 898537048 RR0001

Contact us:

Phone: 1-866-787-4050 (ext. 109) | Email: fundraising@asthma.ca

 Please Note: The content on this page is only intended to provide general information and should not be considered legal or professional advice. Donors considering a legacy gift should speak to their lawyer to determine a giving strategy that is suitable to their unique estate and tax situation. If this type of giving interests you, please consult with your independent legal and/or financial planning advisor.

Download Your Legacy Giving Toolkit

If you want to leave a legacy of hope for Canadians with asthma, download our toolkit to see how you can get started.