
Join us throughout 2024 as we celebrate 50 years since the formation of Asthma Canada. Over these five decades, people right across Canada affected by asthma have benefited from our dedication to education, advocacy, and research. And we’re not stopping there.

  • Our mission is to help Canadians with asthma lead healthy lives.
  • Our vision is a future without asthma.

We have an exciting year planned ahead to mark this milestone, and we invite you to join us in celebrating this special occasion.

Asthma Canada - 50th Anniversary  2

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Share with us your story of how Asthma Canada has impacted your life at any point of the past 50 years and we’ll be sure to share them on our website and social media channels.
  • Join in on the conversation on social media using the hashtag #AsthmaCanada50
  • Keep an eye on this page and on our social media accounts as we’ll be making some exciting announcements later in the year 

Together, let’s make this year a memorable celebration of 50 years of supporting Canadians affected by asthma. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

The past: how Asthma Canada came to be

When reflecting on the history of Asthma Canada and how it came to be, it’s impossible to overlook, Judy Godfrey, a cornerstone in the formation of the charity, and its founding president.

Judy, described by her husband Sheldon as a “sparkplug” for the charity’s formation, held a firm belief that funds raised for asthma causes in Canada should remain within Canada to directly aid those impacted by asthma. At the time, funds raised in Canada were beginning to be used to support asthma research and education initiatives in the United States rather than Canada. This belief led to the formation of the “Asthma Society of Canada” as it was then known.

In the early 1970s, Judy, alongside her friend and fellow founder Jo Ann Posen, faced the challenge of leadership in an era where women had to work twice as hard for their voices to be heard. Yet, their resilience propelled them to collaborate with like-minded individuals and professionals, creating a charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of Canadians living with asthma and their families.

As Asthma Canada marks its 50th anniversary in 2024, we pause to reflect on its remarkable journey and the people that made it happen including Judy, Sheldon, Jo Ann and many others who we will recognize as we share more in this anniversary year.

Over the past five decades, Asthma Canada has been instrumental in improving the lives of thousands of Canadians through health promotion and educational initiatives. We’ve advocated for individuals living with asthma nationwide, ensuring their needs are met, while our ongoing research strives to pave the way for a better world for all impacted by asthma.

None of these accomplishments would have been achievable without the hard work and dedication of people like Judy, Jo Ann and Sheldon and, on behalf of the 4 million+ Canadians living with asthma, we would like to take this opportunity to thank them and the countless others who have contributed to our charity over the past 50 years.

Sheldon and Judy

The present: how the current Canadian asthma landscape looks

Asthma Infographic
What is Asthma Canada doing for those affected by asthma?


We provide education and support programs to help stop asthma attacks and keep people in Canada with asthma healthy.


We advocate on behalf of the Canadian asthma community on important issues like access to medications and clean air & energy.


Through our National Research Program, we support innovative asthma research to help unlock new treatments and someday, a cure for asthma.

research matching offer

Support Asthma Canada

For fifty years, Asthma Canada has dedicated itself to supporting individuals across Canada impacted by asthma through advocacy, research, and education.

To continue our work, we rely on the generous support of caring individuals like you. Please consider donating today.

The future: Jeffrey Beach, President & CEO of Asthma Canada speaks about his vision for Asthma Canada

Over the past fifty years, so much has changed. Canadians living with asthma are facing new realities with a warming climate and a health system under strain. Scientific advances have led to innovative approaches so patients can better control their symptoms. Yet many patients continue to live with uncontrolled asthma and several hundred Canadians die each year because of it.

Looking ahead, we’re committed to advancing our vision to where we hope asthma care can be fifty years from now. We envision a thriving research community, patients empowered to manage their symptoms, and receiving high-quality asthma care through consistent care pathways and support from Certified Respiratory Educators. We will continue to work tirelessly with the asthma community to realize this vision.

Let’s unite and support Canadians living with asthma breathe better. A life without symptoms is achievable.