Asthma Canada welcomes new President and Chief Executive Officer

Asthma Canada welcomes Jeff Beach as President and Chief Executive Officer

Asthma Canada and our Board of Directors are pleased to announce the appointment of Jeff Beach as President and Chief Executive Officer, Asthma Canada, effective February 13, 2023.

Breathing is something that most Canadians take for granted—but not Canadians with asthma. Over 3.8 million Canadians are affected by asthma, a chronic disease which causes the airways to swell and narrow, blocking the flow of air through the lungs.

For nearly 50 years, Asthma Canada has been the trusted voice for Canadians living with asthma. Jeff joins the organization as Asthma Canada increases public awareness of respiratory health issues, improving patient care, and expanding asthma research ventures.

Jeff Beach is a passionate leader in the Canadian non-profit sector, with more than 25 years of experience in management, community, and fund development. He is driven to help others and thrives on developing and executing strategies to empower people to reach their full potential despite the health and social challenges they may face.

Throughout his career, Jeff has held positions with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Youth Assisting Youth, The Arthritis Society, The Victorian Order of Nurses (VON Canada), and Willow Breast & Hereditary Cancer Support. He was a key member of the executive leadership team and Interim Co-Chief Executive Officer at Cystic Fibrosis Canada and, most recently, has served as the Executive Director for the Canadian Spondylitis Association, leading the organization’s work in providing awareness, advocacy, information, and support for Canadians living with spondyloarthritis.

Jeff is a married father of two daughters. He is a graduate of University of Windsor, Leadership Windsor-Essex, and holds a postgraduate certificate in Non-Profit Management. A Past Chair of the Board of Directors for Federated Health Charities and Founding Advisory Council member of A Life Worth Living, his lifelong commitment to volunteerism and community includes volunteer leadership work with several faith-based and community service organizations. He is a long-time active member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Great Toronto Chapter where he recently served as a member of the 2022 Fundraising Congress Committee.

Jeff’s proven ability to develop and implement innovative programs and lead teams coupled with his interpersonal and communications skills, management, and planning experience will be of incredible benefit to Asthma Canada and our community at large.

“With Jeff at the helm of Asthma Canada, we will achieve even greater accomplishments as we continue to advocate for change to improve access to healthcare, support researchers working to find better asthma treatments, and engage and empower the asthma community,” says Vibhas Bapat, Chair of Asthma Canada’s Board of Directors. “We’re looking forward to a bright future working together to improve the lives of Canadians living with asthma and those impacted by the disease.”