
Asthma Canada works with like-minded organizations through provincial, national and international coalitions to increase our reach and impact on issues affecting our community. 

Asthma Canada is currently a member of the coalitions listed below.

Best Medicines Coalition: A national alliance of patient organizations with a shared goal of equitable and consistent access for all Canadians to safe and effective medicines that improve patient outcomes. BMC’s areas of interest include drug approval, assessment and reimbursement, as well as patient safety and supply issues. 

Canadian Electric School Bus Alliance: CESBA is a public voice in favor of accelerating the uptake of electric school buses. CESBA’s mission is to support, share knowledge and work with all stakeholders to seek policy commitments at the federal and provincial levels of government that will enable all Canadian school bus fleets to transition from diesel to electric power by 2040. Together, CESBA members are working to develop strategies and recommendations to accelerate the electrification of Canada’s 51,000 diesel school buses.

Canadian Immunocompromised Advocacy Network (CIAN):

A national network of 25+ patient groups, patients, clinicians and researchers, who have united their voices to advocate for matters important to the immunocompromised (IC) community. CIAN’s vision is a world in which the basic human rights of IC people are met allowing them to thrive in safer, more inclusive communities. Our priorities include raising awareness about the IC community, advocating equitable access to vaccines and therapeutics, and working to optimize the physical and mental wellbeing of IC people.

Clean Economy Alliance: The Clean Economy Alliance is a group of nearly 100 organizations representing a broad cross-section of Ontarians that have united to support the province of Ontario in showing leadership in addressing the crucial issue of climate change. The Alliance includes prominent Ontario businesses, industry associations, clean tech companies, labour unions, farmers’ groups, health advocates, and environmental organizations. 

COVID-19 Respiratory Roundtable: In April 2020, the Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS) brought together a group of professional societies and patient organizations from across Canada to form the COVID-19 Respiratory Roundtable. As a group of professional societies and patient organizations working closely with individuals living with lung disease and supporting the lung health of all Canadians, the Roundtable is concerned about the ongoing risks of COVID-19, especially on vulnerable populations. The Roundtable meets monthly to exchange information on pandemic-related activities and strategies, align messaging and identify opportunities for collaboration.

Global Allergy and Asthma Patient Platform: A world-wide organization with over 70 national asthma and allergy patient groups from every continent sharing information and best practices, concerns and hopes. GAAPP operates as an international network linking people and organizations with a common interest: the support for and improvement of the quality of life of people around the globe who have allergies and asthma. 

Green Ribbon Panel: GRC represents a collection of environmental and economic leaders from across Canada and focuses on the role that nuclear and other representatives from the energy sector can play in fighting climate change and growing the economy. The Panel evaluates successful and unsuccessful initiatives from around the world and issue a report on its findings, in addition to conducting outreach and research activities to contribute to the report and develop public policy recommendations for all levels of government. 

Health Charities Coalition of Canada:  HCCC, a member based organization, is dedicated to advocating for sound public policy on health issues and promoting the highest quality health research.  HCCC strives for excellence in health policy and seeks to ensure that the federal government and policy makers look to the Coalition and its members for timely advice and leadership on major health issues of concern to Canadians; and that they recognize the competence, commitment and contributions of health charities in improving the health and well-being of Canadians. 

Immunize Canada: Immunize Canada is a national coalition of non-governmental, professional, health, government and private sector organizations with a specific interest in promoting the understanding and use of vaccines recommended by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). The coalition’s goal is to contribute to the control/elimination/eradication of vaccine-preventable diseases in Canada.

PRECISION: PRECISION is a multi-disciplinary, global programme working to ensure patients with severe asthma routinely receive the right care, at the right time, in the most appropriate setting. The PRECISION programme is organised and funded by AstraZeneca.