La maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19)
Qu’est-ce que la COVID-19?
La maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19) est une maladie respiratoire contagieuse causée par le virus SARS-CoV-2. Les symptômes peuvent être confondus avec ceux du rhume ou de la grippe, mais la COVID-19 affecte d’autres parties du corps. Les symptômes varient considérablement, certaines personnes présentant une maladie respiratoire légère à modérée, tandis que d’autres tombent gravement malades et ont besoin de soins médicaux.
Les symptômes les plus courants comprennent :
- De la fièvre ou des frissons
- De la toux, des essoufflements ou de la difficulté à respirer
- De la fatigue, des maux de tête ou des douleurs corporelles
- Une perte soudaine du goût ou de l’odorat

Si vous développez des symptômes que vous pensez être liés à la COVID-19, faites un test immédiatement.
Des symptômes plus graves, comme des difficultés respiratoires ou un essoufflement, la perte de la parole ou de la mobilité, la confusion et la douleur thoracique peuvent nécessiter des soins d’urgence.
Le virus se propage par gouttelettes respiratoires lorsqu’une personne infectée tousse, éternue, parle ou respire. Il peut s’écouler entre 5 et 14 jours après l’infection avant que les symptômes n’apparaissent.
Comment la COVID-19 affecte-t-elle les personnes asthmatiques?
La COVID-19 peut déclencher ou aggraver les symptômes de l’asthme chez les personnes qui en sont atteintes. Chacun peut contracter la COVID-19, mais les personnes ayant un problème de santé sous-jacent, comme un asthme modéré à sévère (en particulier s’il n’est pas bien contrôlé), sont plus susceptibles de développer une maladie grave due au virus, ce qui peut entraîner des complications telles que la pneumonie, l’hospitalisation nécessitant des soins intensifs et la mise sous machine à respirer.
Pourquoi se faire vacciner contre la COVID-19?
Au Canada, les données probantes montrent que les vaccins contre la COVID-19 sont efficaces pour prévenir les maladies graves, les hospitalisations et les décès liés à la COVID-19. Bien que la vaccination ne garantisse pas que vous ne serez pas infecté par le virus, le risque de maladie grave, d’hospitalisation et de décès est réduit si vous avez été vacciné.
Comment fonctionnent les vaccins contre la COVID-19?
Tous les vaccins contre la COVID-19 sont administrés par injection dans la partie supérieure du bras. Le vaccin à dose unique offre une protection maximale contre la COVID-19 quelques semaines après son administration. Cependant, il est nécessaire de compléter la série vaccinale pour le vaccin à deux doses avant d’être entièrement protégé (c.-à-d. : la première dose n’offre qu’une protection partielle).
Types de vaccins contre la COVID-19 disponibles au Canada
Voici les principaux types de vaccins contre la COVID-19 disponibles au Canada :
Vaccins à ARNm : ces vaccins produiront une protéine dans le corps qui déclenchera une réponse immunitaire, en créant des anticorps pour lutter contre le virus. Ces vaccins n’utilisent pas de virus vivant.
- Vaccins Spikevax de Moderna contre la COVID-19 : 2 doses pour une série primaire et une dose pour le rappel.
- Vaccin Comirnaty de Pfizer-BioNTech contre la COVID-19 : 2 doses pour les personnes âgées de 5 ans et plus ou 3 doses plus petites pour les enfants de 6 mois à moins de 5 ans.
Vaccins à base de protéines : ces vaccins contiennent des protéines similaires à celles du SARS-CoV-2 et sont injectés directement dans le corps pour déclencher une réponse immunitaire.
- Vaccin Nuvaxovid de Novavax contre la COVID-19 : 2 doses pour les personnes n’ayant pas été vaccinées auparavant et 1 dose pour celles déjà vaccinées.
Veuillez consulter votre prestataire de soins de santé pour vous aider à déterminer quel vaccin contre la COVID-19 est le mieux adapté à votre situation.

Asthma and Vaccines
People with asthma face a higher risk of serious illness from preventable diseases, making vaccination extremely important.

Lung Vaccination Working Group
Within Canada, vaccine uptake continues to be a significant area of concern.

Controlling Asthma
When asthma is unmanaged, it can put a pause on your life. Learn how to break breathlessness and press play on life.

Asthma Canada's FREE Asthma & Allergy HelpLine
If you have questions on asthma and vaccines, please contact our free HelpLine at 1-866-787-4050 or Our team of asthma and allergy experts will happily assist you with your asthma control and help put your mind at ease.

Jaqueline Murdoch: Asthma and Vaccine Champion
Jaqueline Murdoch, 75, a retired IT manager and personal trainer, is a passionate advocate for vaccination, shaped by a lifetime of health challenges and early experiences with preventable diseases. Diagnosed with asthma in 2012, she manages her condition with a rigorous health routine and proactive vaccination. Jaqueline received all available COVID-19 doses, annual flu shots, and vaccines for shingles and pneumonia, seeing immunization as essential to reducing severe illness. Having witnessed the impact of diseases like polio and shingles, she urges others to “look at the science” and stay informed, firmly believing that vaccines are key to a long, healthy life.
Sometimes my asthma leaves me short of breath. How do I know it's not COVID-19?
Remember that asthma symptoms can flare up for a number of reasons, like seasonal allergies or an infection. You may be experiencing asthma symptoms due to an increased exposure to indoor triggers, simply because you are spending more time indoors.
Respiratory symptoms associated with COVID-19 are very similar to asthma symptoms, like shortness of breath and cough. Evolving research indicates that the symptom which differentiates asthma from COVID-19 is experiencing a “new” fever. Fever has been most common of any symptom to date in confirmed cases of COVID-19.
If you experience a sudden fever in addition to respiratory symptoms, you should immediately self-isolate and follow public health guidance on next steps.
I've heard that some medications put you more at risk for complications from COVID-19. Should I stop taking my medication?
No, DO NOT stop taking your medications as prescribed by your healthcare professional.
Stopping or modifying your medications without consulting your healthcare provider due to concern about COVID-19 is dangerous.
Right now, it is very important that you keep your asthma well controlled, and sticking to the treatment plan prescribed by your healthcare provider is a crucial part of this process. This means ALL asthma medications, including biologics.
I'm worried I'll run out of medication. Should I stock up?
Both the Canadian Pharmacists Association and Asthma Canada recommend that Canadians with asthma have a 30-day supply of medication on hand, should they become ill and are unable to visit a pharmacy or healthcare provider to obtain more medication.
The Canadian Pharmacists Association does not recommend more than a 30-day supply of medication (unless clinically justified) so that all Canadians can access the medication they need.
They state: “As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues to evolve, pharmacists are becoming increasingly mindful about the need to carefully manage our drug supply to weather some of the long-term impacts of the disease across the globe. Canadians rely on their medications and pharmacists are working to make sure that every patient has access to their medications when they need it.”
Read their full statement here.
Should I make changes to how I manage my asthma during the pandemic?
No, the current outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) does not require any change to what is normal good asthma control practices. People with asthma should be on a daily controller medication, so that they do not need to over rely on reliever medications. All people living with asthma should have and follow a written Asthma Action Plan and know how to use their medications accordingly.
You can use these resources to find out if your asthma is controlled:
I have a specific question about my asthma. Is there someone I can talk to?
If you have questions about your asthma, you can contact Asthma Canada’s Asthma & Allergy HelpLine free call-back service. Email or call 1-866-787-4050 to be connected with a Certified Respiratory Educator.
*Please note we are experiencing slightly longer than normal response times, but will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
Is it safe for me to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes! It is safe for people with chronic lung diseases like asthma to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Even though COVID-19 vaccines are being developed more quickly than usual, vaccine safety is still a top priority in all phases of vaccine development, approval and post-approval monitoring. While steps are being streamlined or overlapped, none of them are being skipped.
To learn more about COVID-19 vaccine safety, visit COVID-19: Vaccine Safety and Side Effects
Source: Immunize Canada
I’m on biologic therapy. Can I receive the COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes. It is safe for people with asthma on biologic therapy to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The Canadian Thoracic Society and the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology recommend that:
- The COVID-19 vaccine should not be administered on the same day as a biologic therapy for asthma where possible.
- Patients with asthma should ideally receive a COVID vaccine 72 hours apart from their regular biologic, to make it easier to tell what injection may have caused a problem if the patient has a reaction.
- Individuals with a history of reaction to injectable medications, or a previous COVID-19 vaccine must advise the staff at the vaccination site.
Learn more here:
Source: Canadian Thoracic Society
How can I help my child with asthma stay safe during the pandemic?
It’s important that your child’s asthma remain in good control. A new study suggests that children with poorly controlled asthma are more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19.
- Develop or update a written Asthma Action Plan with your family doctor or healthcare provider and make sure to share a copy with your child’s school and teacher. If your child doesn’t currently have an Asthma Action Plan, make an appointment with their healthcare provider to create one as soon as possible. Ensure your healthcare provider reviews your child’s inhaler technique.
- Always ensure that your child has their reliever (rescue) medication on hand at all times.
- Ensure that your child takes their asthma controller medication throughout the year, even when symptom-free. Make sure you child is taking their asthma medications as prescribed and don’t stop unless advised by their healthcare provider to do so.
- If they are eligible, ensure your child receives their COVID-19 vaccinations.
- Identify your child’s asthma triggers and teach them how best to avoid them. Teach your child what to do in case of an asthma attack.
- Demonstrate correct hand washing technique and discuss the importance of frequent hand washing.
- Teach your children ways to cope with stress and anxiety as strong emotions and anxiety can trigger an asthma attack.
- Ensure your child, and everyone in your home, has received their influenza (flu) and pneumococcal disease vaccinations.