Winter Wellness Tips

When temperatures dip and the days are shorter, some Canadians with asthma find their symptoms change. Our winter wellness tips will help you stay healthy with asthma during the colder months.

Remember, one of the most important ways to keep your asthma well controlled at any time of the year is to take your medication as prescribed. Take your controller medication daily (or as prescribed) and keep your reliever inhaler with you at all times in case of an asthma attack.

Read on for more tips to stay well this winter season.

1. Get your flu shot. Influenza is more serious for people with asthma because it can lead to other respiratory infections, like pneumonia. Flu season from the fall season lasts through March so if you haven’t received a shot in January or February, it’s not too late. Ask your health care provider about other recommended vaccinations for people with asthma, like a Covid booster or the pneumococcal shot.

2. Check your home’s humidity levels. Dry, cold air is a common asthma trigger. The optimal level for relative humidity is 35-50%. You can use a hygrometer to gauge these levels.

3. Keep your living space clean and tidy. Dust mites and mould are common indoor asthma triggers. When you’re spending more time inside, that means increased exposure. Keep your space clean and well-ventilated. Choose a vacuum with a HEPA filter and a tight seal so particles don’t leak out. Learn more about indoor triggers. 

4. Prioritize your mental health. Take care of yourself! Boost your mood by checking in with family and friends, getting outside for a walk, or spending time on hobbies you enjoy.

5. Bundle up to breathe easy! Warm the air you breathe before it hits your lungs. Try to breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Placing a scarf or mask over your nose and mouth can help to warm the air, too. If you’re exercising outdoors, complete your warm-up activities indoors 10-15 minutes prior to heading outside. Learn more about exercising with asthma. 

6. Schedule an asthma-focused check-in appointment with your health care provider. You should visit your health care provider to talk specifically about your asthma at least once a year. When you’re there, you can update or develop an Asthma Action Plan together, so that you know when your asthma is not in control.

7. Take good care of yourself. Part of asthma management is taking care of your overall health. Keep active: regular exercise can help improve your lung function. And get plenty of rest and fluids, and eat good, nutritious food.

Do you have questions about managing your asthma during the winter season? Our Asthma & Allergy HelpLine connects you with Certified Respiratory Educators who can provide expert support and advice. Email or call 1-866-787-4050